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Technology Expectations

Each student in Mapleton Public Schools receives 1:1 technology. Kindergarten and 1st grade receive iPads, and 2nd grade through 12th grade receive Chromebooks. Once an iPad or Chromebook is assigned to a student, the asset tag number will be documented and the student will be responsible for that device. Students are responsible for the care of the device to include damage and lost devices.

Expectations and Rules for Technology usage:

  • Usage for Educational Purposes Only: Chromebooks and iPads are to be used solely for educational activities and assignments.

  • Handle with Care: Devices must be handled with care to avoid damage. Any damage should be reported to a teacher or staff member immediately.

  • No Personal Use: Personal use of district devices, including gaming, social media, and non-educational browsing, is strictly prohibited.

  • Keep Devices on School Grounds: Chromebooks and iPads must remain on school grounds and are not to be taken home.

  • Follow Internet Safety Guidelines: Students must adhere to internet safety guidelines and use only approved websites and applications.

  • Secure Devices When Not in Use: When not in use, devices should be stored securely in designated areas.

  • Do Not Share Devices: Students should not share their assigned devices with others to maintain accountability and security.

  • No Unauthorized Software: Do not download or install any software or applications without permission from school authorities.

Support for technology needs:

  • Contact your child’s teacher through Dojo as soon as possible.

Additional Support:

  • Clayton’s Behavior guide, Jennifer Anderson at 

  • Technology Department at 303.853.1057 OR 


Board Policy JS Student Use of the Internet and electronic Communications